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SODELO owes its existence to the many people and organizations that have helped fund the multitude of elements that go into creating a successful orchestra.  Our generous sponsors, volunteers, donors, orchestra members, and our audiences have supported our mission and made everything possible.

Our thanks go out to:

SODELO is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on

The Carl M. Freeman Foundation for its generous donation and recognition of our needs as a new organization establishing itself in our community. 

The United Way Of Delaware and Spur Impact for their organization of DoMore 24, a one day digital event which helped us raise funds through our own supporters and through matching corporate funds.


We have been fortunate to attract many volunteers who have donated their time and efforts in supporting everything we do!  From concert logistics to social media, we have received tremendous and necessary support from orchestra members, friends and family, community members and more.

Special Thanks to:

Laurie Andes, Grants

Charles Bachman, Grants

Susan Bartley, Marketing and Fundraising

Eva DelGallo, Public Relations, Marketing, Orchestra Personnel. 

Richard Grifasi, Public Relations
Rita Lysik, Grants
Michael Marotta and the school administration of Sussex Academy, band room use

Domi Sanchez, Playbill, Website, Facebook, Photography

Michael Sites, Concert Logistics

Stephen Mohr, Public Relations

Robert Moyer, Librarian
Julie Petrucci, Visual Content and Marketing

Zoe Stayman, Press Relation
Liz Thiem, Designer/Brand Steward
John Tucker, Website Development and Evolution
. . . and to the many other volunteers who help us with everything from greeting and ushering at concerts to assembling gift baskets and so much more!

 SODELO’s Board of Directors works tirelessly on all aspects of SODELO.

 SODELO’s Artistic Advisory Committee works with Music Director Jim Anderson on all artistic matters, from repertoire to choice of soloists to developing our music library.

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